
“Missing Requirements”

This article was inspired by a thread on LinkedIn a while back. Thank you to Rahul Parwal for starting the thread off. People sometimes suggest that requirements are unavailable, when what they really mean is that requirement documents aren’t available. That distinction is significant. (Plus, if requirement documents aren’t available… what are the programmers working from?) There might not be great requirements documents, but there are always requirements. There’s always … Read more

It’s Not About the Artifact

There’s a significant mistake that people might make when using LLMs to summarize a requirements document, or to produce a test report. LLMs aren’t all that great at summarizing. That’s definintely a problem, and it would be a mistake to trust an LLM’s summary without reviewing the original document. The bigger mistake is in believing that the output, the artifact, is the important thing. We might choose to share a … Read more

Exact Instructions vs. Social Competence

An amusing video from a few years back has been making the rounds lately. Dad challenges the kids to write exact instructions to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and Dad follows those instructions. The kids find the experience difficult and frustrating, because Dad interprets the “exact” instructions exactly—but differently from the way the kids intended. I’ll be here when you get back. Go ahead and watch it. Welcome … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 10)

This post serves two purposes. It is yet another installation in The Series That Ate My Blog; and it’s a kind of personal exploration of work in progress on the Rapid Software Testing Guide to Test Reporting. Your feedback and questions on this post will help to inform the second project, so I welcome your comments. As a tester, your mission is to evaluate the product and report on its … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 6)

In the last installment, we ended by asking “Once the tester has learned something about the product, how can you focus a tester’s work without over-focusing it? I provided some examples in Part 4 of this series. Here’s another: scenario testing. The examples I’ll provide here are based on work done by James Bach and Geordie Keitt several years ago. (I’ve helped several other organizations apply this approach much more … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 5)

In our coaching session (which started here), Frieda was still playing the part of a manager who was fixated on test cases—and doing it very well. She played a typical management card: “What about learning about the product? Aren’t test cases a good way to do that?” In Rapid Software Testing, we say that testing is evaluating a product by learning about it through exploration and experimentation, which includes questioning, … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 4)

Note: this post is long from the perspective of the kitten-like attention spans that modern social media tends to encourage. Fear not. Reading it could help you to recognize how you might save you hours, weeks, months of excess and unnecessary work, especially if you’re working as a tester or manager in a regulated environment. Testers frequently face problems associated with excessive emphasis on formal, procedurally scripted testing. Politics, bureaucracy, … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 3)

In the previous post, “Frieda”, my coaching client, asked about producing test cases for auditors or regulators. In Rapid Software Testing (RST), we find it helpful to frame that in terms of formal testing. Testing is formal to the degree that it must be done in a specific way, or to verify specific facts. Formal testing typically has the goal of confirming or demonstrating something in particular about the product. There’s a continuum to … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 2)

Last time out, I was responding to a coaching client, a tester who was working in an organization fixated on test cases. Here, I’ll call her Frieda. She had some more questions about how to respond to her managers. What if they want another tester to do your tests if you are not available? “‘Your tests’, or ‘your testing’?”, I asked. From what I’ve heard, your tests. I don’t agree … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 1)

Recently, during a coaching session, a tester was wrestling with something that was a mystery to her. She asked: Why do some tech leaders (for example, CTOs, development managers, test managers, and test leads) jump straight to test cases when they want to provide traceability, share testing efforts with stakeholders, and share feature knowledge with testers? I’m not sure. I fear that most of the time, fixation on test cases … Read more