I have been involved with the following books:
The Gift of Time

I contributed a chapter to this collection of essays, edited by Fiona Charles, in honour of the life and work of Jerry Weinberg.
Jerry was a pioneer of software testing, starting with setting up the first independent test group for Project Mercury in 1958. He’s famous for having been among the first to pay attention to the human dimensions at the bottom of all technical problems. Jerry’s life and work have been an enormous influence on my own, and on my community.
It was an honour to have participated in this project, which includes contributions from Fiona Charles, Bob Glass, James Bach, Jean McLendon, Sherry Heinze, Sue Petersen, Esther Derby, Willem van den Ende, Judah Mogilensky, Naomi Karten, James Bullock, Tim Lister, Johanna Rothman, Jonathan Kohl, Dani Weinberg, and Bent Adsersen.
Perfect Software and Other Illusions about Testing
This book is one of two (the other being Lessons Learned in Software Testing) that I consider essential on a tester’s bookshelf. I was honoured to be invited by Jerry to review his book, to contribute a blurb to the back cover, and to be acknowledged in the text.
“We test because people are not perfect, and simply testing “more” does not guarantee better quality. This book guides test strategy development that’s scalable for any project.” ~Gerald M. Weinberg
Gerald M. Weinberg’s website
How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing
Many of the costs of software development and testing are subtle, and sometimes they’re hard to quantify. That doesn’t make those costs any less real.
In this book, edited by Matt Heusser and Govind Kulkarni, I contributed a chapter in which I tell the story of a testing project that I worked on. In that chapter, I identify several dimensions of cost that often go unnoticed.