
On Testing and Checking Refined

Over the last few months, and especially during some face-to-face time that we had in England recently, James Bach and I have been working to sharpen our notions of testing and checking. Although the task had been on the list for some time, we didn’t get a sense of great urgency about it until we were surprised recently to find that, at a very subtle but important level, we meant … Read more

Severity vs. Priority

Another day has dawned on Planet Earth, so another tester has used LinkedIn to ask about the difference between severity and priority. The reason the tester is asking is, probably, that there’s a development project, and there’s probably a bug tracking system, and it probably contains fields for both severity and priority (and probably as numbers). The tester has probably been told to fill in each field as part of … Read more

Why Would a User Do THAT?

If you’ve been in testing for long enough, you’ll eventually report or demonstrate a problem, and you’ll hear this: “No user would ever do that.” Translated into English, that means “No user that I’ve thought of, and that I like, would do that on purpose, or in a way that I’ve imagined.” So here are a few ideas that might help to spur imagination. The user made a simple mistake, … Read more

“Manual” and “Automated” Testing

The categories “manual testing” and “automated testing” (and their even less helpful byproducts, “manual tester” and “automated tester”) were arguably never meaningful, but they’ve definitely outlived their sell-by date. Can we please put them in the compost bin now? Thank you. Here’s a long and excellent rant by pilot Patrick Smith, who for years has been trying to address a similar problem in the way people talk (and worse, think) … Read more

Oracles: The Brainstream Media

In the past, James Bach and I have defined “oracle” as “a principle or mechanism by which we recognize a problem,” and we’ve focused on principles rooted in ideas about consistency and inconsistency. At its foundation, applying an oracle and recognizing a problem always involves some principle that links an observation of a product to someone’s desires for it. That is: we observe a problem when we see some kind … Read more

What’s Comparable (Part 2)

In the previous post, Lynn McKee recognized that, with respect to the Comparable Product oracle heuristic, “comparable” can be have several expansive interpretations, and not just one narrow one. I’ll emphasize: “comparable product”, in the context of the FEW HICCUPPS oracle heuristics, can mean any software product, any attribute of a software product, or even attributes of non-software products that we could use as a basis for comparison. (Since “comparable … Read more

What’s Comparable (Part 1)

People interpret requirements and specifications in different ways, based on their models, and their past experiences, and their current context. When they hear or read something, many people tend to choose an interpretation that is familiar to them, which may close off their thinking about other possible interpretations. That’s not a big problem in simple, stable systems. It’s a bigger problem in software development. The problems we’re trying to solve … Read more

Where Does All That Time Go?

It had been a long day, so a few of the fellows from the class agreed to meet a restaurant downtown. The main courses had been cleared off the table, some beer had been delivered, and we were waiting for dessert. Pedro (not his real name) was complaining, again, about how much time he had to spend doing administrivial tasks—meetings, filling out forms, time sheets, requisitions, and the like. “Everything … Read more

Time, Coverage, and Maps

Over the last few years, people have become increasingly enthusiastic about the idea of mind mapping to help them describe or illustrate or otherwise consider test coverage. For me, Darren McMillan was the one who really got the ball rolling here, here, and here. More recently there have been other examples to present coverage ideas. Colleague Adam Goucher has weighed in here. But there’s another thing you can do, something … Read more

Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 3

Over the last two days, I’ve published the premises of the Rapid Software Testing classes and methodology, as developed by James Bach and me. The first set addresses the nature of Rapid Testing’s engagement with software development—an ambitious activity, performed by fallible humans for other fallible humans, under conditions of uncertainty and time pressure. The second set addresses the nature of testing as an investigative activity focused on understanding the … Read more