
Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 2

Yesterday I published the first three premises that underlie the Rapid Software Testing methodology developed and taught by James Bach and me. Today’s two are on the nature of “test” as an activity—a verb, rather than a noun—and the purpose of testing as we see it: understanding the product and imparting that understanding to our clients, with emphasis on problems that threaten the product’s value. 4. A test is an … Read more

Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 1

In February of 2012, James Bach and I got together for a week of work one-on-one, face-to-face—something that happens all too rarely. We worked on a number of things, but the principal outcome was a statement of the premises on which Rapid Software Testing—our classes and our methodology—are based. In deference to Twitter-sized attention spans like mine, I’ll post the premises over the next few days. Here’s the preamble and … Read more

The Customer Wants To Speak With You. Why Cover Your Ears?

Speaking of oracles—the ways in which we recognize problems… I’m on the mailing list for a company whose product I purchased a while ago. The other day, I received a mailing signed by the product marketing manager for that company. The topic of the mailing is a potential use for the product, but the product doesn’t support that purpose very well at all. In fact, I’ve often wanted to use … Read more


Several years ago, I wrote an article for Better Software Magazine called Testing Without a Map. The article was about identifying and applying oracles, and it listed several dimensions of consistency by which we might find or describe problems in the product. The original list came from James Bach. Testers often say that they recognize a problem when the product doesn’t “meet expectations”. But that seems empty to me; a … Read more

Oracles and The Right Answer

In which the conversation about heuristics and oracles continues… Tony’s brow furrowed as he spoke. “No oracle comes with a guarantee that it’s giving you the right answer. That’s what you said. But surely there are some oracles that are reliable,” he said. “What about pure math?” “Pure math? All right. Here’s an example: what’s 61 plus 45?” “Duh. 106.” “Well,” I said, “for many computer systems prior to the … Read more

All Oracles Are Heuristic

In which the conversation about heuristics and oracles continues… “So what’s the difference,” I asked my tester friend Tony, “between an oracle and a heuristic?” “Hmm. Well, I’ve read the Rapid Testing stuff, and you and James keep saying an oracle is a principle or mechanism by which we recognize a problem.“ “Yes,” I said. “That’s what we call an oracle. What’s the difference between that and a heuristic?” “An … Read more

Heuristics for Understanding Heuristics

This conversation is fictitious, but it’s also representative of several chats that I’ve had with testers over the last few weeks. Tony, a tester friend, approached me recently, and told me that he was having trouble understanding heuristics and oracles. I have a heuristic approach for solving the problem of people not understanding a word: Give ’em a definition. So, I told him: A heuristic is a fallible method for … Read more

Problems with Problems

People sometimes seem to struggle with a concept that’s central to testing, the concept of “oracle”. In the three-day Rapid Software Testing class, we define an oracle as a principle or mechanism means by which we recognize a problem. Sometimes I like to emphasize that oracles are fallible and context-dependent. When that’s so, I say that an oracle is a heuristic principle or mechanism means by which we recognize a problem. (Updated … Read more