Meet Michael Bolton at the Berlin Agile Testing Days Conference, Oct 4-7th, and learn about Rapid Software Testing on Monday, October 4th at Michael’s one day Rapid Testing Tutorial.
Videos related to Rapid Software Testing—including keynotes, talks, workshops, and ask-me-anything sessions.
The Difference Between Experience and Experiments | Michael Bolton | STAREAST
The Difference Between Experience and Experiments with Michael Bolton presented by STAREAST presented by Techwell Happenings.
In this video from the STAREAST 2009 Interactive Lounge, Michael Bolton takes a look at two subjects–a 17th century debate over the air pump and the difference between experience and experiments–and how they relate to the software testing of today and tomorrow.
The Angel and Devil of Software Testing – What’s Right?
Agile Journal interview with Jonathan Kohl and Michael Bolton about the good and bad of software testing – Testing should be done by testers, not by machines. Learn more about storytelling with video at