
Quality Conversations: Lessons Learned From Michael Bolton on why Terminology Matters (& A Lot More)

Ben Fellows, Quality Conversations Ben Fellows, CEO of Loop Software & Testing, has a YouTube channel in which he posts discussions of topics like Playwright Framework, GitHub Actions, & general Software Testing! Ben Interviewed me for his Quality Conversations channel on April 7, 2023 We explore the evolution of software testing and quality assurance, discussing key topics such as terminology misconceptions, the importance of customer service, the role of senior … Read more

The Developer Who Loves Testing

Deep testing — testing that maximizes the change of finding every elusive bug that matters — is the kind of testing work that engages and motivates serious testers. Developers tend to prefer shallow testing that doesn’t disrupt the developer’s mindset and the developer’s focus on getting the danged product built. (Before anyone gets too upset, note that the shallowness of shallow testing is a feature, not a bug. There’s lots more … Read more

That’s a Rap!

A few years ago, a friend introduced me to a recording of the mind-blowing musical Hamilton (if you haven’t seen or heard it, do yourself a favour and check it out). Our whole family was, for a time, obsessed with it. A few months after that, I was preparing for a talk at Xebia in Amsterdam. I was wondering how I could spice up the talk a little by doing … Read more

‘Demonstration, Experiment, and Testing’ by Michael Bolton #ATAGTR2021

The comments for this video posted on YouTube read:

Keynote Session by Michael Bolton, “Demonstration, Experiment, and Testing” at #ATAGTR2021; for the Agile Testing Alliance
Our Speaker – Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people to solve testing problems that they didn’t realize they could solve.

It was the 6th Edition of “Global Testing Retreat” happened on 11-12 December 2021.

To know more about the upcoming events, please visit:

Expert Panel on Failures of Software Industry around Testing & Quality

Expert Panel on Failures of Software Industry around Testing & Quality
Webinar with Anna Royzman, Aprajita M, James Bach and Michael Bolton

FailQonf, 2021

Panel Topic: Inadequate and inefficient software testing practices can contribute to poor quality products released to customers. In this session, we’ll discuss different failures in software testing. We’ll aim to highlight and share experiences from the panel covering failures in both testing process/approach and individual tester level

Test with Brains or Bots

Fireside chat with Michael Bolton | QA TechTalks Community 0:10 / 55:43

Topic: Would you prefer to test with brains or bots? An interactive short talk & discussion about test with brains or bots or both with best practices, evidence, proofs, examples, and inputs. A weekly fireside chat series to share with the community.

Speaker: Michael Bolton I help people and organizations find product problems and solve testing problems quickly and expertly with Rapid Software Testing. /…

1. Real-time examples
2. Tools & Techniques
3. Rapid Software Testing
4. Best practices and strategies
5. Advantages & disadvantages with manual and automation testing
6. Scope of testing in future

More details here:

Tech Talk with Amit & Rinat – Episode 026 – Rapid Software Testing

Software is everywhere. And good quality software has become very important and sometimes even critical as well. But with rapid progress in development cycle, testers don’t often get enough time to test software. What if there is a better way to test software without compromising quality, which is more focused and which can be completed rapidly.

In this week’s #TechTalk, Amit and Rinat talk with Michael Bolton, co-author (with James Bach) of Rapid Software Testing (RST), about software testing, context driven testing, Rapid Software Testing, and a lot more!