
EuroSTAR: The Good Stuff

Much of what I’ve reported about EuroSTAR has been on the topic that had the most energy around it–the very gratifying response to my keynote presentation. I’d be remiss in not mentioning some other highlights. A tip of the hat to Tracy O’Connell and the friendly, helpful, and capable staff of EuroSTAR 2007. The entire conference went off splendidly. Henrik Andersson, a member of the context-driven community and a real … Read more

Certification and Its Discontents I

EuroSTAR has been a wonderful conference for me. Alas, I’ve been unable to attend many of the track presentations because I’ve been, well, conferring. I’ve had some very engaging and interesting chats, and it’s been great to connect familiar names with their faces. I look forward to many more visits to Europe. Today’s activities included a conversation, sometimes quite animated, with Stuart Reid. I’ve been surprised at the strength of … Read more

Why I Am Not Yet Certified — EuroSTAR Presentation

Today, December 4 2007, I gave a presentation at EuroSTAR on “Why I Am Not (Yet) Certified“. James Bach was originally slated to give a different presentation with the same title, but I got the nod due to the untimely illness of James’ wife Lenore, which caused him to cancel his fall schedule (she’s much better now). Stuart Reid, the chair of the conference, strongly supports the notion of certifications … Read more

A Rapid Testing Success Story

One of the problems in our business is that people are usually reluctant to talk about testing, even when it’s successful. In order to discuss testing, they may have to cop to problems in their product, or in their development work. Even if they’re very happy with the things that they’ve learned in the course and put into practice, they may have to acknowledge that earlier forms of testing were … Read more

Pairwise Testing

I wrote a paper on pairwise testing in 2004 (and earlier), and now, in 2007, it’s time for an update. This post is an edited version of an appendix that I’ve recently added to that paper. First, there appears to be great confusion in the world between orthogonal arrays and pairwise testing. People use the terms interchangeably, but there is a clear and significant difference. I’m fairly proud of the … Read more

I’m at STARWest — wanna talk about testing?

I’m going to be at the STARWest conference on the evening of Wednesday, October 24 through the morning of Friday, October 26. On Thursday morning, I’ll be presenting a talk on Emotions and Test Oracles, an expansion of a lightning talk that I gave at STAR East in May. Alas, my colleague James Bach is unable to be there. His subject, “How to Fake a Test Project” will be covered … Read more

If a test passes in a forest, and no one sees it…

Pradeep Soundararajan is a colleague of me and of James Bach. Pradeep would say he’s a student, but in this case the student has surpassed this teacher. Pradeep writes and tests and thinks with passion. In a recent blog post, he came up with this gem: “…it is not a test that finds a bug but it is a human that finds a bug and a test plays a role … Read more

The Most Useful Metrics

A correspondent on LinkedIn asked recently, “What are the useful metrics for software quality?” Here’s my answer (lightly edited for the blog). Update, September 20: Whoops! Thanks to Anonymous, I notice that I’ve mistranscribed the original question, which was “What are the useful metrics for code quality?” Measurement is “the empirical, objective assignment of numbers, according to a rule derived from a model or theory, to attributes of objects or … Read more