
Testing, Checking, and Convincing the Boss to Explore

How is it useful to make the distinction between testing and checking? One colleague (let’s call him Andrew) recently found it very useful indeed. I’ve been asked not to reveal his real name or his company, but he has very generously permitted me to tell this story. He works for a large, globally distributed company, which produces goods and services in a sector not always known for its nimbleness. He’s … Read more

Comment on a Not-So-Good Article on Exploratory Testing

An article from a while back on StickyMinds entitled How To Choose Between Scripted and Exploratory Testing refers to a bunch of factors in making choices between scripted testing and exploratory testing. The problems start early: “As a test manager or engineer, you may be considering whether or not to use exploratory testing on your next project.” If you’re not planning on investigating any problems that you find, I suppose … Read more

Maturity Models Have It Backwards

At a couple of recent conferences, some people have asked me about one “maturity” model or another. As one of the few people who has read the CMMI book from cover to cover, here’s what I think: In process-speak, the notion of maturity is backwards. A mature entity, in biology, is one that can survive and thrive without parental support. A mature being is one that has achieved an age … Read more

The Testers’ Christmas Present

So the holidays are coming up, and you’re wondering what to get for your tester friends, or (if you’re a tester) for your kids. Let me be the first this season to recommend I Am A Bug, a perfectly charming little book by Robert Sabourin, and illustrated by his daughter Catherine, who was between 11 and 12 years old as the book was being published. It’s been around for several … Read more

When Do We Stop Testing? One More Sure Thing

Not too long ago, I posted a list of stopping heuristics for testing. As usual, such lists are always subjective, subject to refinement and revision, and under scrutiny from colleagues and other readers. As usual, James Bach is a harsh critic (and that’s a compliment, not a complaint). We’re still transpecting over some of the points; eventually we’ll come out with something on which we agree. Joe Harter, in his … Read more

Context-free Questions For Testing and Checking

After a presentation on exploratory approaches and on testing vs. checking yesterday, a correspondent and old friend writes: Although the presentation made good arguments for exploratory testing, I am not sure a small QA department can spare the resources unless a majority of regression checking can be moved to automation. Particularly in situations with short QA cycles. (Notice that he and I are using “testing” and “checking” in this specific … Read more

A Letter To The Programmer

This is a letter that I would not show to a programmer in a real-life situation. I’ve often thought of bits of it at a time, and those bits come up in conversation occasionally, but not all at once. This is based on an observation of the chat window in Skype Dear Programmer, I discovered a bug today. I’ll tell you how I found it. It’s pretty easy to … Read more

Should We Call Test-Driven Development Something Else?

In the first post in this series, I proposed “that those things that we usually call ‘unit tests‘ be called ‘unit checks‘.” I stand by the proposal, but I should clarify something important about it. See, it’s all a matter of timing. And, of course, sapience. After James Bach‘s blog post titled “Sapience and Blowing Peoples’ Minds“, Joe Rainsberger commented: Sadly, the distinction between testing and checking makes describing test-driven … Read more

A Tester Asks About Checking

In a previous comment, Sunjeet asks Does not testing encompass checking? Can testing alone be efficient without doing any checking? As I hope I made it clear in Elements of Testing and Checking, the development and analysis of checks is surrounded by plenty of testing activity, and testing may include a good deal of checking. Testing, I think, can be vastly more efficient if we consider the ways in which … Read more

Tests vs. Checks: The Motive for Distinguishing

The word “criticism” has several meanings and connotations. To criticize, these days, often means to speak reproachfully of someone or something, but criticism isn’t always disparaging. Way, way back when, I studied English literature, and read the work of many critics. Literary critics and film critics aren’t people who merely criticize, as we use the word in common parlance. Instead, the role of the critic is to contextualize—to observe and … Read more