
Bug of the Day: What Time Are the Class Sessions?

One problem that we face in software development and testing is that data and information aren’t the same. Here’s an example, prompted by email from a correspondent.

There’s a Rapid Software Testing Explored class running January 11-14, 2021. It’s set to run at times that work for people in Europe and the UK, mostly. The service I use for managing registrations, Eventbrite, offers the opportunity to list the starting and ending times for the class. So far, so good.

The class starts 12h00 Central European time, on January 11, 12h00. The class lasts for four days. Each day, there are three webinars of 90 minutes, with a half-hour break between each one. Thus the class ends at 17h30 Central European time, on January 14. How should this be displayed on the landing page for the event?

Eventbrite offered a form for me to fill in the starting and ending date and time for my event. I filled it in. Then Eventbrite provides an option to display the start time and ending time of the class on the landing page for the event. When I accept both options, the page duly presents the class as starting on the start time (2021/01/11 06h00 EST), and ending on the ending time (2021/01/14 11h30). Those times are entirely, factually correct as data. That correctness is pretty easy to check, too.

A person who wrote from Europe wanted to register for the class wrote to ask if he should assume that the class ran from 12h00 to 17h30 on the first day and from 8h30 to 17h30 on the second, third, and fourth days. If you’re like me, and you already know the timetable for the class (you do; I just told you), the writer’s assumption might seem strange—but that’s from the perspective of people with insider knowledge, like you and I. There’s no particularly good reason to label that evaluation as strange from an outsider’s perspective.

The issue here is that, in its template for displaying an upcoming class, Eventbrite allows me to check a box to show the start date and time, and another box to show the end date and time. There isn’t an option to display the dates alone, without the time, nor is there an option to display the date range with starting and ending times for each day of the class.

Is that a bug? Hard to say. From the perspective of someone writing code to gather the data and display the page, it’s almost certainly not a bug—not a coding bug. If the requirement is to “display the starting and ending date and time of the event“, the code gathers that data from me and displays it correctly to my customers. But correctly doesn’t mean informatively.

Is it a bug in that the expressed requirement is wrong, then? Also hard to say. First, I haven’t seen the requirements document. I suspect that Eventbrite’s business is mostly single-day events, so the issue probably doesn’t come up that often, relative to the majority of cases. But it does come up for some people, and for some events. It did for me, and for my customer, this time.

Should Eventbrite be able to display the start and end times for each day of a multi-day event? Maybe. But that would be more complicated to code and harder to test. Maybe it’s not worth the trouble and the risk of trying it.

Should the start and end times be displayed with a time zone beside them? They are. Should those time zones be chosen relative to where the event is happening, or relative to the time zone for the person who is looking at the site? Eventbrite seems to provides the latter, but maybe it doesn’t; maybe it shows Eastern Time worldwide.

It doesn’t take long to enter the rabbit hole of possibilities: if the time is displayed relative to the viewer’s start and end time, what if that user is connecting to the page via a VPN in a time zone different from hers? I tried this, and it seems either Eventbrite figures out the time on my local system OR it displays its times in Eastern time worldwide. How can I be sure what gets displayed in Europe? Will European users be confused if they see the start and end times rendered as North American Eastern time?

What if the user will be traveling, and wants to know the time of the event where it’s being held? (This sure isn’t a problem in December 2020, but what happens when we’re travelling again?)

Should Eventbrite offer an option to display the date alone, and let those running the event identify the daily schedule some other way? Probably, but who’s to say?

And imagine that you’re working at Eventbrite: what should a tester’s role be in all of this?

Here’s what we say in RST: it’s the role of designers, programmers, and managers to develop requirements, designs, and programs that transform the complex, messy, social world of people and their needs into the simpler, cleaner, world of machines and their very stilted languages. It is the tester’s role to look for and to find problems in those transformations, so that the designers, programmers, and managers can recognize those problems and make decisions on how to deal with them.

To fulfill our role, we must experience, explore, and experiment with the product and its requirements. We must develop an understanding of how people might use the product, and how they might be perplexed or surprised or annoyed by it.

When the product is being put in front of people who haven’t seen it, we must struggle to maintain the perspective of the first-timer. When the product is placed in a domain in which it will be used by experts, we must develop expertise in that domain, as quickly and as deeply as we can.

The tester can participate in the development of requirements, design, and code, and can make suggestions about them. But anyone else can do that too—documentation people, customer support people, customers,…

What makes testers special in all this is the testers’ focus on problems. It’s our abiding faith that there are problems, and that those problems might matter to people who might be forgotten by the builders. It’s the tester’s special job to consider how the insider’s perspective might be different from the outsider’s perspective. Some people on the team might consider those things. No one else on the team is focused on them.

It’s the tester’s job to raise questions about the product, its requirements, and its design, and ask “Is there a problem here? Might there be a problem here? Is everyone okay with the product we’re developing? Is everyone willing to live with the problems that we’re aware of?” This is often socially awkward, because people who are focused on solving problems (like developers and designers and managers) often find it distracting and to some degree irritating to hear about new ones. Don’t you?

And, in this case, here’s the rub: the data and the display can be correct, but still fail to solve a problem for the someone who wants to know “What are the danged class times for each day?” Some people guess (and guess correctly); others are willing to wait for an answer (those people find out on a page that gets displayed after they register); and some people write to ask me. That underscores another point: a bug is not a property of a product; it’s a relationship between the product and some person.

It turns out that daily start and end times are hard to express in machine-friendly data structures, but easy to express in the free-form text description of the class that Eventbrite also affords on the class’ landing page. So upon recognizing the problem for one of my customers, and that the problem mattered to him, that’s how I addressed it.

If you’re interested in all this, you might be interested in the Rapid Software Testing Explored class, where we examine the nature of problems and how to look for them and report them skilfully to your clients.

Again: the class runs on four consecutive days, starting at noon CET. Each day, there are three webinars of 90 minutes, with a half-hour break between each one. Just so you know.

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