I don’t usually give upcoming events an entire blog post. I usually post upcoming events in the panel on the right. However, this one’s special.
I’m presenting a three-day Rapid Software Testing class, organized by TASSQ in Toronto, June 4-6, 2018.
Rapid Software Testing is focused on doing the fastest, least expensive testing that still completely fulfills testing’s mission: evaluating the product by learning about it through exploration and experimentation. Developers and managers—including those from organizations where there are few testers or none at all—are welcome and warmly invited. It’s the only public RST class being offered in Canada in 2018. Early bird pricing is available until Friday, May 4. Register here.
Who can apply.. testers only?
Michael replies: Well, since it’s in the past, no one can apply any more. But Rapid Software Testing is designed for anyone who tests software or complex technology, or who works with people who do. That includes testers, developers, managers, designers, documentation folk, DevOps people, business analysts… everyone.
You can apply for the public Rapid Software Testing class in Seattle, Washington, 2018/09/26-28, with both James Bach and me.