
WAQB: Okay, now it’s getting creepy.

This post is here only as a matter of historical record. Eventually, the bad guys go away.

Related to my post about the World Agile Testing Qualifications Board, on March 31, I posted the following discussion on the WAQB LinkedIn list:

Linkedin Groups March 31, 2009
World Agile Qualifications Board – WAQB

Today’s Activity: 1 discussion

Discussions (1)

Does anyone /know/ anything about the World Agile Qualifications Board? 1 comment »

Started by Michael Bolton, Participant in the Workshops on Teaching Software Testing

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Today, when I visit the group (or click on the link above), I see that the discussion is no longer available—evidently removed by a moderator. Why?

A different discussion has started, though, started by Steen Lerche-Jensen, Program Test Manager at StatoilHydro, saying that more people are needed for the review board, and requesting that they apply via the WAQB Web site. There are no replies, as of this writing.

The plot thickens. Nick Malden points out that he has found another Web site, the design of which he finds strikingly similar to the WAQB’s: Some of it is in English, some isn’t. Nonetheless, there’s lots of interesting information to be obtained. Try comparing it to the WAQB site (, now defunct, apparently). Try scrolling down.


1 reply to “WAQB: Okay, now it’s getting creepy.”

  1. Thanks to those who have commented pointing out that the two sites–test4pro and WAQB are registered to the same person. I contacted him. As I suspected, he’s a service provider; he apparently constructs and hosts the sites. As I had expected, and as I would do myself, he declined to identify his customers. I don’t see any particular reason to identify him here.

    Oliver Erlewein says, This throws up a problem. How does the testing/agile industry (or whatever you might call it) deal with (possible) quacks and scammers?”

    There are no controlling bodies (which I think is a good thing) but there are communities. The Agile Alliance posted its position on certification here. The Association for Software Testing has posted its position here. My own position is here. The pro-certification people (many of whom seem to be affiliated with organizations that offer certifications and courses to pass them) have their own sites and positions.

    It’s like everything else: ideas and people contend with each other, and over the long term, the better ideas tend to survive. Keep talking!


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