
A Message from the WAQB

“Nice.. so Michael want us to buy his book .. maybe that why he have his web adress in his comments 🙂 Michael we did talk to the Ladies, and if you did the same you would know it’s fixed. Yes there was a mistake, but it’s fixed. If you want adverts for you book pls go to the papers or google adwords. There will come names, faces ect. We have decided that until the end of the Pilot which goes until September we will keep low profile, so we get this structured. We just believe that it will be usefull to work more agile, so we are working on that.. then Michael can do his Rapid Software testing – anybody believes in that ? Steen waqb”

This was posted on LinkedIn by a fellow named Steen Lerche-Jensen (who apparently signed the Agile Manifesto in the week of February 16-22, 2009, along with a link to the International Agile Testing Qualifications Board—a link that spins forever in my browser, as of tonight). Steen’s reply landed in my inbox. I’d reply to it on LinkedIn, but the thread has been deleted, so I’ll reply here.

1) Sorry to blow your theory, Steen, but I don’t have a book. In fact, everything I’ve written so far is available for free (except for three things: the current issue of Better Software Magazine; the book The Gift of Time, to which I contributed one chapter and for which I receive no royalties; and the Agile Testing book, to which I contributed a sidebar and for which I receive no royalties).

2) That was some kind of “mistake”, publishing the table of contents for Crispin and Gregory’s book as the course syllabus without attribution and without their consent. But I’m glad you’ve corrected it.

3) The comments above on keeping a low profile, and the fact of the WAQB approach as it’s currently implemented on the Web site, seem to me to be incongruent with the claim on the Web site, “WAQB will use the techniques from Open Source to ensure that the quality of the syllabus is of high quality”, and with the nature of the Agile movement itself.

1 reply to “A Message from the WAQB”

  1. Michael, the “Ladies” thank you for your support, and for standing up as a voice of reason and integrity in the testing world.


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