
A Rapid Testing Experience

If you’re not already member of the Software Testing group on Yahoo, I’d recommend joining it; it’s where some of my favourite context-driven testers hang out. Better yet, join the group and contribute. The frequency of postings is relatively low, but the level of discourse is quite high.

Today–November 5, 2006–there’s a wonderful thing: an experience report from Pradeep Soundararajan, a tester in India that James Bach has been coaching remotely for the last little while. As you read, you may come to realize that Pradeep’s first language is not English–his first language appears to be testing.

—Michael B.

1 reply to “A Rapid Testing Experience”

  1. Many thanks for the post.

    Now that people know testing is my first language, they would hear and observe me more carefully and I take the credit of making people listen to me with more attention 🙂

    Michael, you too inspired me to do this good job and you share the credit of inspiring testers like me. I am sure many would join the band.


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