
Rapid Software Testing Focused: Risk presented by Michael Bolton

Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Date: May 8, 2023

Michael Bolton will be presenting Rapid Software Testing Focused: Risk and Rapid Software Testing Focused: Strategy

and talking about The Secret Life of Automation at the SIGIST conference in Stockholm.

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Rapid Software Testing Focused: Risk

Risk-based testing means organizing test strategy around suspected product risks. This means testers perform risk analysis before, during, and after tests are performed: before tests to guide the test process, during tests to adjust the strategy, and after the product is released to learn about risks that were missed in the original planning. Risk-based testing is a powerful way to focus testing and to justify the time and energy it takes to test deeply.

This seminar focuses on risk analysis as it relates to testing and fits within the Rapid Software Testing methodology. So, we use risk heuristics and focus on assessment rather than measurement of risks, since software risks cannot be measured except in rare situations. Risk assessments are socially constructed, but we show how that process can and should be done systematically and be grounded in evidence.