
Rapid Software Testing Focused: Automation – Live and In Person!

Date: Sep 12, 2024 to Sep 13, 2024

Rapid Software Testing classes, live and in person, return to Copenhagen, September 9-13, 2024!

Organized by Nine in collaboration with Qalibrate, Michael Bolton will present RST Explored and RST Focused: Automation, along with a testing meetup (details to follow). See a video introduction from Nine’s Jens Christian Christiansen.

Rapid Software Testing (RST), co-authored by James Bach and Michael Bolton, is a context-driven approach for testing any product that includes or involves software. It’s designed to be the fastest, least expensive testing that completely fulfills the mission: uncovering risk and finding problems before it’s too late. The RST approach helps you to focus on business risk and — when necessary — to do the kinds of deep testing that your project needs.

“Test automation” is a hot topic. If you are in the testing field, then you are probably being pressured to automate your work. But how should you go about it? Only certain specific aspects of testing can be automated, so which aspects should you focus on first? There are lots of expensive tools you could use, but there are also free tools, and maybe you can create some tools yourself. What should you NOT focus on? What traps must you try to avoid? How can AI help — or hurt?

Creating, applying, and maintaining useful automation to support testing can be immensely valuable. It’s also a huge challenge. This workshop, targeted towards testers, managers, and developers, is designed to help you meet that challenge, looking through the lenses of the Rapid Software Testing Methodology.

In this class, we’ll help you — and through you, your organization — to expand notions of automation beyond GUI or API output checking. We will show you some creative uses of inexpensive tools. We’ll help you to analyze dimensions of cost and value, and to evaluate how different kinds of tools can help or hurt your testing. And we’ll talk about how to recognize and learn from things that happen in the Secret Life of Automation.

This class is a two-day overview and summary of Testers and Automation: Avoiding the Traps. We generally recommend The Rapid Software Explored course before diving into the RST Focused: Automation class.

Who should come?
This class is for testers and developers who want to sharpen their strategies for applying all kinds of tools — not just automated checking — into their development and testing work.

Learn more about the new Rapid Software Testing Focused: Automation class here.

Learn more about Rapid Software Testing here, and more about RST Explored here.

Read more and register here:  The classes will be taught in English.