
Rapid Software Testing Explored – Live and In Person!

Date: Sep 9, 2024 to Sep 11, 2024

Rapid Software Testing classes, live and in person, return to Copenhagen, September 9-13, 2024!

Organized by Nine in collaboration with Qalibrate, Michael Bolton will present RST Explored and RST Focused: Automation, along with a testing meetup (details to follow). See a video introduction from Nine’s Jens Christian Christiansen.

Rapid Software Testing (RST), co-authored by James Bach and Michael Bolton, is a context-driven approach for testing any product that includes or involves software. It’s designed to be the fastest, least expensive testing that completely fulfills the mission: uncovering risk and finding problems before it’s too late. The RST approach helps you to focus on business risk and — when necessary — to do the kinds of deep testing that your project needs.

Rapid Software Testing Explored is a world-renowned, three-day class that introduces the methodology. Through hands-on activities and interactive discussion, we challenge assumptions and expose common misconceptions about software testing. Then we show you powerful new ways to think, to apply heuristic models, and to test responsibly and systematically.

RST Explored is followed, this time, by Rapid Software Testing Focused: Automation, a two-day workshop to help you develop strategy for applying tools in your testing effectively while avoiding the traps. Learn more here.We generally recommend The Rapid Software Explored course before diving into the RST Focused: Automation class.

Who should come?
Testers, developers, managers, designers, documenters, support people… Both classes are designed for everyone on a development team who needs to think critically about software. An entire class of software marketers have attended RST classes and have benefitted from the information.

Read more and register here:  The class will be taught in English.

Why testing?
Why do we test? We test to develop a comprehensive understanding of the product and the risks around it. We test to find problems that threaten the value of the product, or that threaten the on-time, successful completion of any kind of development work. We test to help the business, managers, and developers decide whether the product they’ve got is the product they want.

Above all, we test because it is the responsible thing to do. We have a duty of care toward our teams, our organizations, our customers, and society itself. Releasing poorly tested software would be a breach of that duty.

Learn more about Rapid Software Testing here, and more about RST Explored here.

Learn more about the new Rapid Software Testing Focused: Automation class here.