
Meetup @ Ghent, Belgium with Michael Bolton

Location: Ghent, Belgium
Date: Feb 22, 2024

Exciting News! 🚀 Join us at BREWT Meetup in Ghent on February 22nd with Michael Bolton

Meet Michael Bolton and fire away your bold testing questions to ‘The Man Himself’!  We kick off the 2024 edition of BREWT meetups with our special guest who will entertain us with stories about testing and quality. This edition takes place at the Ghelamco Arena (Meet District), and as always, we prioritize knowledge sharing with a dash of fun, so everyone is welcome!
Sponsored by Axxes

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BREWT meetup @ Ghent 21 with Michael Bolton
BREWT meetup @ Ghent 21 with Michael Bolton Sponsored by Axxes

#BREWT #Testing #Quality #KnowledgeSharing #GhentEvents