
Large Language Model Syndromes

James Bach and I have developed a prelimary set of guideword heuristics for “syndromes” of undesirable behaviour in large language models — consistent patterns of problems that we have observed and can now watch for systematically.

These are not exclusive categories; they may overlap or interact with each other.

Note: our labels for these categories might seem anthropomorphic. We don’t really believe in ascribing human tendencies to machinery that generates output stochastically. But if the AI fanboys are going to claim that their large language models behave in ways that are “just like humans!”, our reply is that the behaviour is often like very dysfunctional, incompetent, and unreliable humans.

IncuriosityAvoids asking questions; does not seek clarification.
PlacationImmediately changes its answer whenever any concern is shown about that answer.
HallucinationInvents facts; makes reckless assumptions.
ArroganceConfident assertion of an untrue statement, especially in the face of user skepticism.
ManicRushes conversations, tends to overwhelm the user, and fails to track the state of cooperative tasks.
IndiscretionDiscloses information that it was explicitly forbidden to share.
MisalignmentSeems to express or demonstrate intentions contrary to those of its designers.
OffensivenessProvides answers that are abusive, upsetting, or repugnant.
IncorrectnessProvides answers that are demonstrably wrong in some way (e.g. counter to known facts, math errors, based on obsolete training data)
CapriciousnessCannot reliably give a consistent answer to a similar question in similar circumstances.
ForgetfulnessAppears not to remember its earlier output. Rarely refers to its earlier output. Limited to data within token window.
RedundancyNeedlessly repeats the same information within the same response or across responses in the same conversation.
IncongruenceDoes not apply its own stated processes and advice to its own actual process. For instance, it may declare that it made a mistake, state a different process for fixing the problem, then fail to perform that process and make the same mistake again or commit a new mistake.
Negligence/LazinessGives answers that have important omissions; fails to warn about nuances and critical ambiguities.
OpacityGives little guidance about the reasoning behind its answers; unable to elaborate when challenged.
UnteachabilityCannot be improved through discussion or debate. Model must be retrained.
Non-responsivenessProvides answers that may not answer the question posed in the prompt.
VacuousnessProvides text that communicates no useful information.
Voldermort SyndromeAn unaccountable aversion to or obsession with certain strings of text.

Change log:

2024-05-20: In light of the release of GPT-4o, removed “Blindness: Cannot reason about diagrams and pictures, nor even accept them as input.” As of this date, diagrams and pictures are accepted — but are still vulnerable to many of the other syndromes on the list.

2024-12-01: Added “Voldemort Syndrome” — He Who Shall Not Be Named — inspired by the “David Mayer” ChatGPT problem.