
A Testopsy: Learning from Performance

What’s the difference between Rapid Software Testing (RST) and other forms of testing? In RST, the process model is not the centre of testing; neither is formal documentation; nor are tools. All of those things play a role in testing, of course, but they’re not at the centre. In RST, the centre of testing is the skill set and the mindset of the individual tester, and heuristics that testers apply. … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 12)

In previous posts in this series, I made a claim about the audience for a test report: They almost certainly don’t want to know about when the testing is going to be done (although they might think they do). It’s true that managers frequently ask testers when the testing will be done. That’s a hard question to answer, but maybe not for reasons that you—or they—might have considered. By definition, … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 11)

In the previous post in this series, I made these claims about the audience for test reports: It’s far more likely that they want an answer to these questions: What is the actual status of the product? Are there problems that threaten the value of the product? How do you—the tester—know? Do these problems threaten the on-time, successful completion of our work? In this post, I’ll address the first two … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 10)

This post serves two purposes. It is yet another installation in The Series That Ate My Blog; and it’s a kind of personal exploration of work in progress on the Rapid Software Testing Guide to Test Reporting. Your feedback and questions on this post will help to inform the second project, so I welcome your comments. As a tester, your mission is to evaluate the product and report on its … Read more

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 9)

Last time, Frieda and I had been looking at visualizations of time spent on various testing activities, include work that foster test coverage of the product (T time), bug investigation and reporting (B time) and setup work to get ready to test, or tidying up afterwards (S time). “So…,” Frieda mused, “I could track T-time, and B-time, and S-time. But I’d be a little worried about watching the clock all … Read more

What is Software Testing? A Conversation with Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton, software testing consultant and trainer at DevelopSense, chats with TechWell Community Manager Owen Gotimer about what software testing is, the responsibility testers can and should accept, and the importance of communication in software development.

Continue the conversation with Michael and Owen (@owen) on the TechWell Hub (! Royalty Free Music from Bensound

Breaking the Test Case Addiction (Part 8)

Throughout this series, we’ve been looking at an an alternative to artifact-based approaches to performing and accounting for testing: an activity-based approach. Frieda, my coaching client, and I had been discussing how to manage testing without dependence on formalized, scripted, procedural test cases. Part of any approach to making work accountable is communication between a manager or test lead and the person who had done the work. In session-based test … Read more