
Test Project Estimation, The Rapid Way

Erik Petersen (with whom I’ve shared one of the more memorable meals in my life) says, in the Software Testing Yahoo! group, I know when I train testers, nearly all of them complain about not enough time to test, or things being hard to test. The lack of time is typically being forced into a completely unrealistic time frame to test against. I used to have that problem. I don’t … Read more

Regression Testing, part I

More traffic from the Agile Testing mailing list; Grig Gheorghiu is a programmer in Los Angeles who has some thoughtful observations and questions. I’m well aware of the flame wars that are going on between the ‘automate everything’ camp and the ‘rapid testing’ camp. I was hoping you can give some practical, concrete, non-sweeping-generalization-based examples of how your testing strategy looks like for a medium to large project that needs … Read more