
Why Is Testing Taking So Long? (Part 1)

If you’re a tester, you’ve probably been asked, “Why is testing taking so long?” Maybe you’ve had a ready answer; maybe you haven’t. Here’s a model that might help you deal with the kind of manager who asks such questions. Let’s suppose that we divide our day of testing into three sessions, each session being, on average, 90 minutes of chartered, uninterrupted testing time. That’s four and a half hours … Read more

When Do We Stop a Test?

Several years ago, around the time I started teaching Rapid Software Testing, my co-author James Bach recorded a video to demonstrate rapid stress testing. In this case, the approach involved throwing an overwhelming amount of data at an application’s wizard, essentially getting the application to stress itself out. The video goes on for almost six minutes. About halfway through, James asks, “You might be asking why I don’t stop now. … Read more

Test Estimation Is Really Negotiation

Some of this posting is based on a conversation from a little while back on If anyone has a problem with “test estimation”, here’s a thought experiment: Your manager (your client) wants to give you an assignment: to evaluate someone’s English skills, with the intention of qualifying him to work with your team. So how long would it take you to figure out whether a Spanish-speaking person spoke English … Read more

Three Kinds of Measurement and Two Ways to Use Them

In the testing business, we’ve been wrestling with the measurement problem for quite a while. I think there are two prongs to the problem. The first is the aphorism that “you can’t control what you can’t measure”. The second is the confusion between measurement (which can be either quantitative or qualitative) and metrics, which are mathematical functions of measurements, and therefore fundamentally quantitative, only quantitative. I don’t know if you … Read more

Test Project Estimation, The Rapid Way

Erik Petersen (with whom I’ve shared one of the more memorable meals in my life) says, in the Software Testing Yahoo! group, I know when I train testers, nearly all of them complain about not enough time to test, or things being hard to test. The lack of time is typically being forced into a completely unrealistic time frame to test against. I used to have that problem. I don’t … Read more